Big City, Small Gardens

We’re all about sustainable organic agriculture; so when we learned of Pocket City Farms, hosting ‘Small Space Veggie Gardening’ workshops in Sydney, we felt it was well-worth talking about.
We know from our own experience that one of the best simple pleasures in life (well, aside from drinking a cup of freshly brewed tea) - is picking produce that you've nurtured from seed or seedling to a healthy crop of homegrown veggies, fruit, herbs and salads.

These nifty workshops teach participants how to do just that. You’ll learn how to turn neglected spaces, (think: spare plots and rooftops), into blooming veggie patches sprouting fresh organic produce. You'll also learn how to create and maintain healthy organic soil, understand the needs of plants, and how to work them into a space together to create a productive edible garden.
The next workshop is March 2nd at Pocket City Farms’ urban market garden located in the Camperdown Commons. This location is the first of its kind in Sydney and provides a unique setting and opportunity to learn new skills, get your hands dirty and bond over new experiences on a working farm in the city.

Whether you have a sprawling yard, a courtyard, a balcony or even a sunny window, we recommend paying Pocket City Farms a visit to find out more about how to turn your little space into a flourishing abundant crop of organic produce

So, if your horticultural ambitions are bigger than your plot size, ‘Small Space Veggie Gardening’ could be right up your ally.
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